Virtual Britsburgh Live On-Demand

04/22/2020 - 12/31/2025


Britsburgh fundraiser


  • Free



Virtual Britsburgh Live On-Demand presents...


Did you miss our recent Virtual Britsburgh Live events or just would like to see them again? No worries, we've got you covered!


Always Free for members and just $4 for non members!




Virtual Britsburgh On-Demand catalogue:

(Click on the images below to register and receive the video link. For more information about a video click the  icon adjacent to the video title)


  In conversation with author Alice K. Boatwright.  


  Britsburgh festival concert: Oh, to be in In Britain:  A Musical Reminiscence.  


  What's my cue? - NRTC director Andy Kirtland talks Cue Scripts & Shakespeare.  


  No Last Bow - The Enduring Appeal of Sherlock Holmes.  


  Making a British Toy Soldier from Start to Finish with David Frankowski.  


  Puttin' on the Ritz - César Ritz, His Hotels and Coco Chanel.  


  The Secrets of Savoyards: translating Gilbert & Sullivan to modern audiences.  


  The East End Brewing story, virtual tour & beer tasting.  


Explore fascinating British-themed topics with the guidance of experts and enjoy the company and conversation of fellow enthusiasts as a member of the Britsburgh Society. Society members enjoy our Britsburgh Arts Society, the Britsburgh Beer Society, the Britsburgh History Society, the Britsburgh Literary Society and the Britsburgh Tea Society. If you are not already a member, I would like to invite you to consider becoming a Britsburgh Society member. To become a member, visit the Britsburgh membership page.




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Building bridges across communities by driving growth in British-American culture, history, education, tradition and trade in Pittsburgh.


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